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Meet Ask Breezy, your AI business assistant

Your personal AI-powered assistant that understands your business and takes action on your behalf.

Set up in 30 seconds. Cancel anytime.

Your business brain, powered by AI

Get instant answers and insights for all your business needs

Smart Insights

Get AI-powered insights from your business data and communications.

Instant Actions

Let Breezy handle tasks like scheduling, follow-ups, and customer responses.

Natural Conversations

Chat naturally with your AI assistant about any business topic.

Automated Workflows

Create custom automations for repetitive business tasks.

Smart Summaries

Get concise summaries of meetings, calls, and important documents.

Easy Configuration

Customize Breezy's behavior to match your business needs.

Your AI assistant in action

Just ask, and watch as Breezy handles your daily tasks with precision and care

  • Schedule follow-ups and meetings with customers
  • Answer common questions about your business
  • Take notes and create summaries from calls
  • Send personalized responses to messages
  • Train your AI receptionist with custom responses
  • Monitor and improve your AI receptionist's performance

Ask Breezy

Your AI Assistant

“Can you schedule a follow-up service with Jon?”

“I'll check Jon's availability and schedule a follow-up service appointment. Would you like me to send him a text message to confirm the details?”

Ready to transform your business with AI?

Don't just answer calls - understand them. Ask Breezy learns from every interaction.